General troubleshooting
Cannot get heartbeat
Please check with your shop keeper to make sure that the shop terminal's network is connecting.
The shop terminal hasn't get the message from MARS
β’ Please check with your shop keeper to make sure the terminal's network is connecting. β’ Double check you are at the correct shop from the top bar account list.

Forget/ lost/ reset password
Click forget password on the login page.
Input your login email address and press reset. Then, MARS will send the password reset link to your email accordingly.
Click the reset password in the mail. Then, you will be redirected to a password reset page.
Input your email address again with your new password and press reset password.
Your password is reset now! Please try to login to MARS with your new password.
Change password
After login, click your name on the top right corner of the page. Then, select user settings on the list.
Input current and new password in the change password section. Then, click
Your password is changed now!