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Make a refund

> A refund transaction allows you to send fund to a customer's account, but most often this is disabled by default settings. Please seek your service provider or acquirer support for more details.

QR Walletβœ“

Refund card payment

  1. On quick launch, press sale Sale app.

    quick launch

  2. Press Sale on the top right corner and select refund Refund on the bottom sub-menu to change the transaction type.

    sale enter amount

  3. Enter the amount. Select the payment instrument you would like to refund with β€” by card by card.

    refund enter amount

  4. Enter the operation password and press OK.

    enter operation password

  5. Present the card or manually enter the card number.

    sale wait card

  6. Please wait for the transaction completed. For approved transaction, the app print out the receipt automatically. Please ask the cardholder to sign if there's the signature line.
    Refund a card sale receipt sample β†’

    card sale approved

Refund QR payment

  1. On quick launch, press sale Sale app.

    quick launch

  2. Press Sale on the top right corner and select refund Refund on the bottom sub-menu to change the transaction type.

    sale enter amount

  3. Enter the amount. Select the payment instrument you would like to refund with β€” by QR by QR wallet.

    refund enter amount

  4. Enter the operation password and press OK.

    enter operation password

  5. Select a QR payment scheme. Then, scan the QR code on the receipt.

    selsect QR scheme
    scan QR

  6. Please wait for the transaction completed. For approved transaction, the app print out the receipt automatically.
    Refund a card sale receipt sample β†’

    card sale approved