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Make a refund

A refund transaction allows you to send fund to a customer's account, but most often this is disabled by default settings. Please seek your service provider or acquirer support for more details.

QR Walletβœ“

Refund a payment

  1. On launcher, press history History.


  2. Select the transaction to enter its detail page.


  3. Press Refund at the bottom of the page.

    transaction details

  4. Press Confirm on the alert dialogue if you confirm to refund.


  5. Enter merchant passcode and press Confirm.


  6. After the process is done, the existing transaction status will change to Refund Approved.

    refund done

  7. Now, you can issue receipt by print, QR code, email or share receipt image file by whatsapp or other conversation app to your customer if needed.

How to issue receipt β†’